There are two kinds of objects in our Solar System

Sometimes we over look the obvious. Astronomy can clearly view the Sun and the Moon are round objects.

What is less obvious but equally important is the Solar System contains 3 kinds of planets and moons.

The largest planet so far discovered is Jupiter. It is a whirling mass of super dense gasses. It also has a magnetic field and a radiation belt.

That means something is radiating that magnetic field. Can gasses radiate magnetic fields?

Around Jupiter is a large number of solid moons thought to consist of iron/nickel cores and large amounts of water in a frozen state on the surface. The count is in the 70s. Several of these moons are thought to have liquid water underneath that ice. Making them ocean moons. The tidal effects of Jupiter creates heat. At least one of those moons (IO) is volcanic.

Then we have Saturn. Saturn is also a gas giant. It actually has a huge ring system. A moon is thought to have broken up when it got close to Saturn. Titan is a moon of this gas giant thought to have a semi-sludge atmosphere containing a whole lot of nitrogen and methane. Probably about 200 degrees below zero F.

Titan is thought to have an Iron/nickel core. It is thought to have plenty of water but it has rivers of methane in liquid form.

It is possible that several moons of Jupiter and Saturn have the elements necessary for life to form.

Jupiter’s core is hot. Not sure how hot Saturn’s core may be.

Next is Uranus. Uranus spins on its axis but the tilt is extreme. That is the second kind of planet. It has a dense atmosphere and the planet has an almost 90 degree tilt as it orbits the Sun. I have always thought huge amounts of electrical thunder storms may be caused by Uranus having such a large tilt. Despite this dense atmosphere, I think it also has an iron/nickel core. Probably super hot but it also might be exhausted and cold near 400 degrees minus. -400 degrees under zero F.

The real oddball here is Neptune. It has an active atmosphere and jetstreams running about 600 miles per hour or more. It is known to have a hot core. Is that core Iron and Nickel? Does a liquid ocean of water exist below those thick clouds? No one knows for sure. I suggest there may be an ocean and there may be life in that ocean if the planet is volcanic. At approximately 8,000 degrees, the core is definitely volcanic.

Neptune also does not keep the Bode’s law pattern. It is slightly closer than where a planet should be.

The moons around Neptune may be a key. The planet may have had Pluto as a moon at one point in time.

The moons around Neptune definitely fill the Iron/nickel core. But if Neptune has a hot core, it is likely that core is solid iron. That would give it a crust similar to Earth’s platelet system containing that hot core. Probably water is involved. The moons of Neptune are a study to be made.

Do they contain water?

So where did all that iron come from? My own guess is that there is a small and very old Dwarf star with a hot core, a shell of both land and oceans around it with a platelet structure. The platelets overlap each other and create extreme volcanic activity and gases. At a guess, I would place that star at 50 degrees below the major planets in an elliptical comet orbit It never reaches any planet in the solar system at such an extreme angle and it rotates in the opposite direction around the Sun as the major planets do. When the oceans get under this cooler platelet system explosions occur. The tidal effects of Saturn and Jupiter may cause this to happen. The result is heavy elements such as Nickel and Iron forming moons and planets. I suggest that brown dwarf only comes close to the current solar system about every 3,500 to 4,000 years. Several of the iron/nickel core planets and moons in our solar system are captured almost every time it approaches the Sun.

I think in recent times, Venus may have attached itself to Uranus causing the tilt. When Saturn approached Uranus it turned that planet into a massive comet that approached the Sun dragging other bodies with it.

Near collisions with the Moon and Earth and Mars put the current orbits together. The result was that Venus actually formed a stable orbit where Mars once was. Mars was flung outwards to where it exists today. Venus changed direction by something whipping it like a sling shot. Venus took a lot of its atmosphere from the dense small and old star. I guess the gravity of said star at approximately 3-10 times that of Earth. It is crumbling and as it does so it releases planets and moons into the current solar system.

Today Venus spins like the Earth spins. Only it is spinning in the wrong direction! That makes the year longer than the day. It has a carbon dioxide atmosphere condensed into complex hydrocarbons. It has a surface temperature close to 1000 degrees F. It is full of young volcanoes causing a lot of Sulfuric Acid. I think the outer clouds are made up of water.

But I also think this ancient star has a lot of heavy elements and water on its surface heated by the core.

There is a big IF here.

IF said object is in an orbit around our star only at a southern angle then it may have returned at the time of Jesus Christ and his birth.

Said star is possible as almost all of the double and triple stars in a neighborhood of 20 light years from us have similar stars in orbit.

No one knows if they produce planets as the disintegrate and burn up.

No one knows if they are dense enough to produce Iron and Nickel core objects.

The Earth itself is impossibly dense with elements far up the scale. Gold, Lead, Uranium, and other elements suggest they came about and were formed by a brown dwarf instead of a more natural evolution in the early days of our solar system.

Or they could be left over from a Super Nova.

The explosion of a Super Nova could push objects faster than the speed of light. Meaning they would eventually come back as that energy is used up. That would give the illusion of objects popping into existence spontaneously.

What is actually happening is those objects leave our space/time dimensions then return in a different time and place.

If that is so, then a whole lot of interstellar planets may drift into our Solar System somewhere down the road.

Said objects may be as hot as a sun to begin with or not.

I think the youngest planet in our solar system is Venus. That it is almost identical in size to the Earth shows an upper limit to the production of objects from said star or novas.

IF a star interacts with our sun, it is likely it spreads orbiting planets into our own solar system. Some of which may be small and some large.

It would make for a game of interaction with existing Solar System naturally evolved gas giants. Thus the large number of moons around Jupiter.

It may have all the elements for life to become common on an existing planet such as the Earth or even Mars.

That would indicate Mars as having a lot more water than exists there today.

That would explain the Earth having oceans. It is likely that water came from a moon as said atmosphere around the moon is sucked onto the Earth. Such life may have come from the star itself if it is cold enough on the surface. Or it could have been fed as an ecology is deliberately started here over a long time. That also suggests that the Earth itself may have had a much thicker atmosphere early on in its formation.

We have a unique situation in which we actually orbit the Sun with a Moon far bigger than should exist naturally around this planet.

That suggests the Moon may have orbited around our sun before the Earth did.

Was Earth like Venus originally? It is possible. Just like life forms we see as fossils are huge compared with current life on the planet.

Did they originate on a much heavier gravity place?

What would seed them onto this surface we call the Earth?

I suggest the plants and animals here evolved somewhere else and were planted here at appropriate times.

Which may mean the core came from a much larger planet than we have today.

I find Venus fascinating simply because if it did nearly collide with Earth in the distant past then Venus may yet have signs that it happened.

Such as life evolving in the upper atmosphere in a sort of goldilocks zone. Such life would probably stay in the twilight between day and night and possibly mate constantly shifting towards the night side of the planet. Yet staying where it is warm enough to exist.

The surface is a hellish place. The clouds not so much.